Drejtori i AKSK z. Igli Tafa falënderon homologun e tij Izraelit pas përfundimit të detyrës së tij

Në përfundim të detyrës së tij si Drejtor i Përgjithshëm i Drejtorisë Kombëtare të Sigurisë Kibernetike të Izraelit, shprehim mirënjohjen tonë për z. Gaby Portnoy, një mik i çmuar i Shqipërisë dhe një partner i rëndësishëm në sigurinë kibernetike.
Nga momentet sfiduese të vitit 2022 deri te nënshkrimi i Marrëveshjes së Bashkëpunimit, angazhimi i tij ka qenë thelbësor në forcimin e sigurisë sonë kibernetike dhe në ndërtimin e një partneriteti të qëndrueshëm mes Shqipërisë dhe Izraelit.
Faleminderit, Gaby, për mbështetjen, vizionin dhe miqësinë!

Mesazhi i Drejtorit të Përgjithshëm z. Igli Tafa drejtuar z. Gaby Portnoy:

“Dear Gaby,It has been an honor and a privilege to collaborate with you over the past two and a half years, a period that has marked a pivotal chapter in the strategic partnership between our nations in the field of cybersecurity.

I vividly recall our first meeting in October 2022 in Tel Aviv, which took place in the immediate aftermath of the unprecedented cyberattacks orchestrated by Iran against Albania.

In that critical moment for my country, I had the privilege of attending the meeting alongside the Prime Minister of Albania, and I can say with absolute certainty that your support and words of encouragement were the first signs that gave me confidence that Albania would withstand and overcome this new form of aggression—one that sought to destabilize our critical infrastructures.

One of the defining moments of this journey, which will forever remain in my memory, was the signing of the Cybersecurity Cooperation Agreement between our institutions. That historic milestone not only strengthened our national cybersecurity capacities but also laid the foundation for a deeper, long-term partnership between our two countries. This agreement has set, a model for regional and international cooperation, demonstrating the power of trusted alliances in facing modern security threats.

Dear Gaby,

I want to express my deepest gratitude for your leadership and unwavering support in helping safeguard Albania’s cyberspace. Your heartfelt words—“My friend, whatever belongs to us today, belongs to you as well”—resonate profoundly and embody the spirit of trust, shared values, and a clear vision for the future that define our cooperation.

Israel has endured challenging times in recent years, and just as Albania stood in solidarity with your people during World War II, we continue and will always stand firmly beside Israel in defending the universal values of freedom, democracy, and security.

I am certain that the bridge of cooperation we have built in the realm of cybersecurity will continue to strengthen, making Albania and Israel key players in securing cyberspace—not only for our nations but as strategic actors in our respective regions. Thanks to your expertise and our joint efforts, Albania is today a safer country, better equipped to face the evolving challenges of cybersecurity.

Thank you, Gaby, from the bottom of my heart! I wish you great success in your future endeavors, with the firm belief that your legacy in the field of cybersecurity will remain unmatched.

I look forward to the opportunity to meet again—perhaps one day in Tirana, where we can enjoy Albania’s wonderful cuisine and breathtaking landscapes together!

With deep appreciation and respect,

Your friend,

Igli Tafa

Buletini I Lajmeve Të Sigurisë Kibernetike Shkurt 2025