“Siguria kibernetike në Ballkanin Perëndimor në fokus të Samitit të BE-së në Tiranë”

Cybersecurity in the Western Balkans in focus of the EU Summit in Tirana

Cyber security, dealing with cyber threats and hybrid threats are the areas where the EU will further deepen cross-sectoral cooperation with the Western Balkans.

The leaders of the European Union and the Western Balkans, in the joint statement signed at the end of the Summit, have committed to work together to increase security in the cyber ecosystem. The declaration also emphasizes the importance of strengthening security and building resilience against foreign interference.

Recent cyber attacks in the region show the need for enhanced engagement, building on existing programs and cooperation with the EU Agency for Cyber Security (ENISA) and the European Cyber Competence Centre, combined with bilateral initiatives of Member States of the EU and other partners.

In the framework of the Cyber Security Rapid Response project, EU action is focusing on increasing the cyber resilience and cyber incident preparedness of partners that have been the target of recent attacks, providing longer-term cyber support to EU- throughout the region starting in 2023.

The summit confirmed that the EU is ready to increase its support for resistance to cyber attacks in the Western Balkans and to intensify cooperation at the regional level and with international partners.

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