NAECCS supports regional cooperation in response to cyber attacks

NAECCS participated in the Regional Cyber Security Conference, “Cyber Zero”, which was held in Pristina, on March 4 and 5. This conference highlighted the importance of regional cooperation in protecting critical infrastructures against growing cyber threats in the Western Balkans region. During the panel “Building a protective shield for critical infrastructures in the Western Balkans […]

AKCESK officially becomes a member of FIRST

Membership in FIRST marks our commitment to advancing cyber security and effective incident response. Being part of this Forum offers opportunities to collaborate with the global community of cyber security professionals, share knowledge and stay abreast of the latest developments in the field. The accompanying certificate is a testament to our active participation and commitment […]

Albania a Step Closer to Global Cyber Security

NAECCS becomes a member of FIRST NAECCS’s membership in FIRST marks a key moment in the development of Albania’s cyber security capacities. The Global Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST) is the premier organization and global leader in incident response. Membership in FIRST enables incident response teams to more effectively respond to security […]

Meeting with the group of deputies “Friends of children” and civil society

In the presidency of the Assembly of Albania, invited to a public hearing on the topic “Safe Internet”, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Youth and Children, the State Police and the National Authority on Electronic Certification and Cyber Security (NAECCS) presented before the Group […]

The development and challenges of using Artificial Intelligence (AI), open lecture by expert Dror Gill

With the support of the Embassy of Israel in Tirana and the expert of AI, Mr. Dror Gill, an open lecture on the applications and the challenges of Artificial intelligence(AI) was held in the premises of NAECCS. This lecture was focused on algorithms in artificial intelligence, its application in face/voice recognition and process automation. NAECCS […]