Global Roundtable: Strengthening Capacities for Cybersecurity in the Technology Century

For the first time, the Global Table on capacity building in the field of security of information technology and ICT communication is organized, in function of the Open Working Group on these issues.

This round table is part of the UN’s effort to enable the presentation of challenges and models that enable the realization of a workforce capable of responding to cyber-attacks. These attacks have become very present in a world that today is part of technological developments with galloping steps.

With a fairly wide participation from all over the world, the activity opened with the greeting of the Secretary General of the UN, Mr. Antonio Guterres and continued with many speakers from the organizers who are part of this process. The table created the opportunity for many countries, including Albania, to present the work they do in support of technological developments and human resources in the cyber field for critical and important infrastructures.

This activity also created opportunities for meetings, acquaintances and reports, which can be placed at the service of joint work.



The next online webinar on the topic: “Phishing Attacks, New Sophisticated Methods”