Online Protection of Children and Young People

As part of the awareness campaign for the Online Protection of Children and Young People, on April 9, AKCESK in cooperation with the State Agency for the Rights and Protection of Children (ASHDMF) held an open lecture in the “Hydajet Lezha” high school in the city of Lezha, for using the internet safely.

The next awareness meeting within the campaign: “A safer cyberspace for children”

On April 3, 2024, the next Workshop was organized in the premises of Cërrik Municipality, by NAECCS in cooperation with ASHDMF, within the awareness campaign “A safer cyber space for children”. This Workshop was developed within the framework of raising awareness among children and young people, that in addition to the positive benefits of using […]

Cyber Crisis Management Simulation Table

Deputy Prime Minister, Mrs. Belinda Balluku closely followed the simulation of the response to a cyber crisis, organized by NAECCS, in order to deepen cooperation and coordination between public and private institutions in such cases. Organized in the House of Europe, this table, facilitated by eGA and NUKIB, within the project financed by the European […]

Online Protection of Children and Young People

In the framework of the awareness campaign for Online Protection of Children and Young People, NAECCS in cooperation with the State Agency for the Rights and Protection of Children (ASHMDF) held an hour of open lecture at the 9-year-old school “Xhemal Çekini” Uznovë, Berat for the use safely internet. In this meeting, students of class […]

Workshop: “A safer space for children”

In the framework of “A safer cyber space for children”, NAECCS in cooperation with the State Agency for the Rights and Protection of Children (ASHMDF), organized a Workshop on March 27, 2024 at the Kukës Palace of Culture. This workshop was developed in the framework of raising awareness among children and young people about a […]

NAECCS training for increasing the capacities of critical and important information infrastructures

NAECCS, maximally engaged in increasing the capacities of the staff of critical and important information infrastructures on March 25-26, organized for this purpose the two-day training with the Sectors of Health, Insurance Market and Independent Institutions. These trainings were carried out with the support of DCAF (Geneva Center for Security Sector Governance). The main focus […]