Opening Ceremony of the DIGI-ABCD Summer School: Promoting Cyber ​​Security and Integration in the European Union

On May 29, the opening ceremony of the DIGI-ABCD Summer School on “Digital Transformation through Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, Cyber ​​Security and Data Protection in the context of EU Integration” took place. The National Authority for Cyber ​​Security was represented at this event by the Director of Incident Monitoring and Response, SOC C-SIRT Operational Center, […]

AKSK training for increasing the capacities of critical and important information infrastructures with National Agency of Information Society (AKSHI)

The National Cyber ​​Security Authority for (AKSK) in the framework of increasing the capacities of critical and important information technologies of the development of training in data 29-30 May 2024 with the specialists of National Agency of Information Society (AKSHI). Through the training, it was aimed that IT/CT specialists were known and aware in the […]

Cyber ​​hygiene awareness training

In continuation of the campaign to raise awareness of citizens on cyber hygiene and protection from cyber threats, the National Cyber ​​Security Authority (AKSK), in cooperation with CRDF Global and with the support of the US Department of State, successfully organized the training “Cyber ​​hygiene and best practices security goods”. This activity developed onsite and […]

AKSK training to increase the capacities of critical and important information infrastructures with the State Police

On May 27-28, the National Cyber ​​Security Authority (AKSK) conducted training for employees of the Department of Information Technology in the State Police. The purpose of this two-day training was to familiarize and sensitize IT/CT personnel in the field of cyber security, train them to respond to cyber incidents and prepare them to identify threats. […]

AKSK Trains Students of Faculty of Information Technology on Cyber ​​Security

On May 22, the National Cyber ​​Security Authority (AKSK) held training with students at the Faculty of Information Technology, Polytechnic University of Tirana. This training was led by experts from the Authority, where the following topics were discussed: * Cyber ​​Security * Management of a cyber incident where it was explained what are the steps […]

Participation of the National Cyber ​​Security Authority in the “Cyber ​​Threat Intelligence” Activity

The National Cyber ​​Security Authority participated in the one-week activity “Cyber ​​Threat Intelligence”, organized by the American Institute for Secure Governance, with the presence of representatives from national security and defense institutions. The goal of the activity was to deepen participants’ knowledge and skills to understand, assess and integrate cyber threat intelligence into cyber security […]

Webinar on Phishing Attacks ends successfully

On Thursday, the National Cyber ​​Security Authority, held the second Webinar on “Phishing attacks, new sophisticated methods”. More than 200 participants, from the public and private sector, were informed about online fraud techniques by the Authority’s expert Mr. Bledi Kacadej.

Cyber hygiene training

Have you ever had your personal information compromised online? Are you ready to learn more about protecting yourself and others from these dangers? We invite you to register for the online training on cyber hygiene by choosing the date 28 or 30 May in the following link:…/ The trainings will take place from 09:30 […]