Cyber Week 2024

On June 24 to 27, 2024, the National Cyber ​​Security Authority participated in the Cyber ​​Week 2024 international conference in Tel Aviv, where they held valuable and productive meetings with representatives from different countries around the world.

This forum provided an exceptional opportunity to discuss the challenges of global cyber terrorism and strengthen international partnerships.

Online Webinar on: “Cyber ​​Attacks, Attack Vectors and Defense Against Them”

The National Authority for Cyber ​​Security will organize the next webinar with the Topic: “Cyber ​​Attacks, Attack Vectors and Defense Against Them”. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting your journey, this webinar is for you and will provide you with the knowledge to: * What are cyber attacks * What are the […]

Voluntary Reporting of Cyber ​​Security Incidents

Contribute to the protection of our cyber infrastructures by reporting incidents you encounter! According to Law 25/2024 “On cyber security”, its article 25, every subject, except the operators of critical and important information infrastructures, have the opportunity to voluntarily report cyber security incidents. What does this article contain? 1. In addition to the operators of […]

Promoting Regional Cooperation in Cyber ​​Security: US-Adriatic Charter Meeting (A-5)

The National Cyber ​​Security Authority, in cooperation with the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs, held today in Tirana the joint meeting of political and technical leaders within the framework of Albania’s presidency this year in the US-Adriatic Charter (A-5). The meeting was held with the participation of the member countries of the United States […]

NCSA training to increase the capacities of the staff of Critical and Important Information Infrastructures with Tourism and Media

NCSA, maximally engaged in increasing the capacities of the staff of critical and important information infrastructures as well as independent institutions on June 24-25, organized for this purpose with the support of the “Sustainable and Responsible Cyber ​​Security in the Western Balkans” Project”, implemented by the Geneva Center for Security Sector Governance (DCAF) and funded […]