AKCESK organizon dëgjesat publike të projektligjit “Për sigurinë kibernetike”

NAECCS organizes public hearings of the draft law “For cyber security”

AKCESK organizon dëgjesat publike të projektligjit “Për sigurinë kibernetike”

NAECCS, within the framework of the commitments undertaken, as a candidate country for membership in the European Union (EU), has worked intensively for the complete alignment of the legal framework of the field of activity with the regulatory framework of the European Union. In this context, the draft law “For cyber security” was drawn up, a draft law which aims at full alignment with Directive (EU) 2016/1148 of the European Parliament and the Council of July 6, 2016 “Regarding measures for a high common level of security of networks and information systems throughout the European Union” and partly with Directive (EU) no. 2022/2555 of the European Parliament and Council, dated December 14, 2022 “On measures for a high common level of cyber security in the entire European Union”.

In order to fulfill the legal obligation for the public consultation of the law, the Authority held public hearings on May 9, 10 and 11 2023 with the interest groups of the financial, banking, energy, transport, health, telecommunications, water supply, etc. sectors, as well as representatives of the state institutions involved. In these hearings, in addition to the presentation of the draft law, the comments and suggestions of interest groups regarding the provisions of the draft law were heard and evaluated, in order to enable transparency, accountability and integrity in decision-making related to this draft law.

The new draft law on “Cyber Security”