Round Table on Protecting Children on the Internet

NAECCS, with the support of UNICEF, initiated the Round Table on “Interinstitutional Cooperation for the Protection of Children on the Internet”.
This meeting was attended by Mrs. Nina Guga Deputy Minister of Education and Sports, Mrs. Alma Tandili Chairperson of ASHDMF, representatives from UNICEF, State Police, State Social Service, Alo 116 111, Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Ministry for Youth and Children, QPKMR as well as representatives from

The General Director of NAECCS, Mr. Igli Tafa, at the same time the National Coordinator for Cyber Security, presented at this table the immediate need to discuss the increased risks from new trends in applications and the measures that institutions should take together to increase the security of children online.
Inter-institutional coordination to address issues of cyberbullying and the need to establish effective mechanisms to protect children is one of the priorities of AKCESK and other responsible institutions.

At this roundtable, the maximum commitment was made to continue with concrete steps in relation to common awareness campaigns as well as to contribute to the improvement of the legal framework.

Together for a safer internet for everyone!


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