NCSA participation in the “HerCyberTrack” Event in Bonn, Germany

NCSA participated in the “HerCyberTrack” event organized by ITU in partnership with GIZ, which took place in Bonn from September 16-20. The activity included training in Digital Forensics, Log Analysis and Miter ATT&CK, as well as visits to the offices of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and Deutsche Telekom. The purpose of the […]

NCSA Participation in Threat Intelligence Management Technical Training for CSIRT/SOC

NCSA participated in the technical training “Cyber ​​Security Capacity Building in the Western Balkans” in Pristina on September 16-17, 2024. The training focused on identifying, analyzing and dealing with cyber threats with modern intelligence tools. The MITER Corporation provided training on the NIST standard, strengthening collaboration between the public and private sectors. The purpose of […]

Cyber ​​hygiene awareness training

Shkodra became another important center for cyber security, with the development of a training on Cyber ​​Hygiene by the National Authority for Cyber ​​Security (AKSK), in cooperation with CRDF Global and the support of the US Department of State. The event attracted 500 participants, including in-room and online participants, from public administration and ordinary citizens. […]

Two-day training for the Health sector and for independent law enforcement institutions on Cyber ​​Security is held

AKSK continues to dedicate itself to strengthening the capacities of the staff of critical infrastructures and important information institutions. This time, we organized a two-day training for the health sector and independent law enforcement institutions, where the main focus was to increase the awareness and skills of IT/ICT personnel in the field of cyber security. […]

NCSA participated in the Meeting of The Multinational Industrial Security Working Group (MISWG), organized for the first time in Albania.

NCSA participated in the Meeting of The Multinational Industrial Security Working Group (   ), organized for the first time in Albania. With the participation of 38 countries and 5 international organizations, including #NATO and the EU, this important event brought to attention the challenges and opportunities in the field of cyber and industrial security. The […]

Albania climbs 23 places in the Global Cyber ​​Security Index 2024, according to ITU

Albania climbs 23 places in the Global Cyber ​​Security Index 2024, according to ITU In the latest report published by the ITU, Albania has made remarkable progress, moving up 23 places in the global cyber security ranking, compared to the previous report. Currently, our country based on performance scores is ranked 57th globally, up from […]