Geneva – ITU-D Study Group 2

As part of its international engagement, NCSA represented Albania for the first time at the ITU-D Study Group 2 meeting, held on 11-12 November 2024 in Geneva. During the meeting, the study on the question “Securing information and communication networks – Best practices for developing a cybersecurity culture,” entitled: “Creating a more secure cyber ecosystem […]

Ljubljana – Crisis Communication

NCSA participated in a two-day workshop in Ljubljana, where crisis communication strategies, cyber awareness & media relations were discussed. This EU-funded activity focused on increasing cyber resilience, emphasizing the importance of trust, transparency & knowledge transfer for improving prevention & response to cyber challenges.

Tallinn Digital Summit

NCSA represented Albania at the Tallinn Digital Summit, highlighting the country’s efforts to strengthen cyber resilience and harmonise with EU standards. During the panel dedicated to digital security in the Western Balkans, NCSA presented its role in supporting public & private institutions in tackling cyber threats, underlining the importance of supporting legislation & the opportunities […]

Sofia – ITU Cybersecurity Forum

NCSA participated in the “ITU Cybersecurity Forum and CyberDrill for Europe and Mediterranean,” held on 26-29 November 2024 in Sofia. Discussions focused on cybersecurity challenges, strengthening defense capacities & the importance of regional cooperation for a safer cyber environment. During the Cyber ​​Drill, NCSA representatives achieved excellent results, ranking among the first in the scenarios […]

Training on the topic: “Compensatory Methods in Cybersecurity with Open Source Platforms” is held

The National Cyber Security Authority  held a training for the staff of critical and important information infrastructures, as well as for independent institutions, focusing on increasing technical capacities through the use of open-source technologies in cyber protection. This training goes beyond the usual post-incident simulations, presenting practical ways to implement open-source tools in the protection […]

Students of the Vocational High School ‘Gjergji Canco’ Participate in Cyber ​​Drill Organized by the National Cyber ​​Security Authority

Students of the Vocational High School “Gjergji Canco” had the opportunity to participate in a Cyber ​​Drill organized by experts from the National Cyber ​​Security Authority. This training aimed to provide students with a practical and concrete experience on the challenges that cybersecurity poses in the digital world. Through simulated scenarios, they learned how to […]

AKSK, AADF and Protik Innovation Center Sign Cooperation Agreement

The National Authority for Cybersecurity has signed a cooperation agreement with the Albanian-American Development Foundation (AADF) and Protik Innovation Center. This agreement aims to increase professional capacities in the field of cybersecurity, by offering: Dedicated training programs for young experts and professionals in the field. Work experience through the MIP program, which connects theoretical knowledge […]

Strengthening Cybersecurity in the Western Balkans: Regional Policy Dialogue and Cooperation on Digital Defense

The National Cyber ​​Security Authority (NCSA) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, in cooperation with the Observer Research Foundation America and the Center for Studies on Democracy and Governance, organized a regional cyber policy dialogue on 20-21 November 2024, in Tirana, Albania. The event brought together 60 participants from […]