A two-day training for the Tourism and Manufacturing sectors on Cyber ​​Security

NCSA, maximally engaged in increasing the capacities of the staff of critical and important information infrastructures, as well as independent institutions, organized a two-day training for the Tourism and Production Sectors. The main focus was the recognition and awareness of IT/ICT personnel in the field of cyber security, the ability to respond to cyber incidents, […]

Information Security Incident Management Consultative Meeting

The National Cyber ​​Security Authority held today the consultation meeting on the Information Security Incident Management Procedure, an essential document drafted by the Authority to protect Critical and Important Information Infrastructures from cyber threats. By implementing this procedure, AKSK aims to increase national resilience against cyber threats and ensure continuous protection of Albania’s critical information […]

Shadow AI, Data Exposure Plague Workplace Chatbot Use

Productivity has a downside: A shocking number of employees share sensitive or proprietary data with the generational AI platforms they use, without letting their bosses know. Generational AI chatbots are popping up in everything from email clients to HR tools these days, offering a friendly and smooth path toward better enterprise productivity. But there’s a […]

Online Webinar on “Cybersecurity Governance and Standards”

The National Authority for Cyber ​​Security will organize the next webinar with the Topic: “Cyber ​​Security Governance and Standards”. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting your journey, this webinar is for you and will provide you with the knowledge to:What are the strategies to manage cyber security governance and risks; What are […]

The deputy director of AKSK Floreta Faber conducts important meetings at the US State Department for cyber security

Deputy Director of the National Authority for Cyber Security, Mrs. Floreta Luli-Faber, during a visit to the USA held several meetings at the American Department of State (DASh). She met Mr. Colleen Hyland, Regional Office Director, Ms. Yuri Kim, First Deputy Assistant Secretary and Mrs. Lisley Franz, Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Cyberspace Security. During […]

Enterprise Risk Management

The National Cyber Security Authority (NCSA), in collaboration with the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) and with the support of the US Department of State, will organize an online training on the topic ” Enterprise Risk Management” on June 3–5, 8:30–16:30. The purpose of this training is to increase capacity in risk assessment and management in […]

International Cooperation for Cyber Defense at the “Cyber Defense Pledge” Conference

On May 16–17, 2024, the NATO Conference on “Cyber Defense Pledge” was held in The Hague, Netherlands, with representatives of NATO member states and partner countries. The conference opened with the opening speech of Mr. Ernest Noorman, the Netherlands for Cyber Affairs ambassador. It was followed by the speeches of Mr. Mircea Geoana, Deputy Secretary […]