AKCESK participating in the training for response to Cyber ​​Incidents for Critical Information Infrastructures

In the framework of raising the technical capacities of Critical Infrastructures, the National Authority for Electronic Certification and Cyber ​​Security participated in the four-day training developed by USEA and Catalisto together with the assistance of USAID in Tirana. The focus of the program was the deepening of advanced knowledge in the management of cyber incidents […]

Albania at the Western Balkans Conference: Transatlantic and Regional Cooperation – Building Strong Alliances.

On July 13, 2023 in Washington, D.C, the Western Balkans Conference: Transatlantic and Regional Cooperation – Building Strong Alliances was organized. The conference brought together important representatives, with the aim of regional cooperation, which is essential for the countries of the Western Balkans in the progress of the process of stabilizing the association in the […]