Discussions on Strengthening Cybersecurity: Bilateral Meeting with the Regional Cooperation Council

Today, at the National Cyber ​​Security Authority, a bilateral meeting was held with the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) regarding the country’s needs in the field of cybersecurity. Representatives of NCSA, AKSHI, the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy (MIE), the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEPJ), and the State Police presented the current situation of cybersecurity in the country and addressed the needs in this regard.

The discussions also focused on the creation of a regional database for cybersecurity projects in the Western Balkans. This meeting was part of a joint initiative of the European Commission (EC), the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) and the Integrative Internal Security Governance (IISG), with the aim of coordinating and strengthening cyber capacities in the region.

NCSA creates Cyber ​​Security Laboratory: Simulation Platform for Training and Preparedness against Digital Threats