Her Cyber ​​Tracks: Empowering Women in Cyber ​​Security

Organized by ITU, GIZ and UNODC, Her Cyber ​​Tracks took place for the first time today in Tirana, an important international event that aims to promote the leadership of girls and women in the field of cyber security. This event is designed to train, inspire and mentor women, providing them with the skills and support they need to advance in this important sector.

At the opening of the event, the director of the National Cyber ​​Security Authority, Mr. Igli Tafa emphasized the importance of women’s involvement in this field, underlining that their empowerment is crucial for a safer and more stable future. He emphasized the necessity of creating new opportunities for women and breaking the barriers that prevent their advancement.

During today’s day, the participants also had the opportunity to take part in a study visit to the premises of NCSA, where they got to know closely the structures and the work that is done to protect cyber security at the national level.

#HerCyberTracks will continue through October 5, including training and sessions dedicated to empowering and mentoring women in the field of cybersecurity.

School Security Officers Trained on Cyber ​​Hygiene