A decade of awareness for children’s online safety

The National Authority on Electronic Certification and Cyber Security, focused on the implementation of the strategic policy for increasing the safety of children in cyberspace, organized in cooperation with the international organization International Telecommunication Union (ITU), on December 6 2023, the workshop on the topic “A decade of awareness for children’s online safety.”

This workshop was carried out as part of the completion of a two-year project initiated from September 2021 to December 2023, where the main goal is to create a safe cyber space for children through capacity building and awareness with numerous trainings and awareness campaigns for three interest groups such as children and young people, teachers, parents and social workers as well as industry sector subjects. During the workshop AKCESK presented the results and activities developed for the implementation of this project throughout the territory of the Republic of Albania.

Participants were state institutions that focus on the protection of children and young people such as MAS, ASHDMF, AKEP, QPKMR, State Police, representatives from Internet Service Providers (ISP), also many non-governmental organizations representing civil society, where during discussions showed their ongoing work in the protection of children, raised issues related to legal gaps and the need for change in the legislation in force, as well as discussed the bridges of cooperation and the creation of ongoing projects in the future through competent institutions, civil society and international partner organizations such as ITU.

In this workshop, the importance of awareness in the field of protecting children online was emphasized, providing resources and tools that support children, parents, teachers, educators, social workers, taking the necessary measures to create a safer online ecosystem.


Weekly Bulletin 26-30 November 2023