AKCESK participates in Albania’s reporting on the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Children

AKCESK was part of Albania’s reporting on the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child during the proceedings of the 94th session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child, held in Geneva, on September 4-5 2023.

In line with the commitments made by the Albanian state in terms of the implementation of this Convention, AKCESK reported on the concrete steps taken to create a safe cyber ecosystem for children and young people.

The protection of children and young people in the online environment is one of the main pillars of the “National Strategy for Cyber Security” and the Action Plan, where AKCESK in the role of the leading institution has coordinated the work with other responsible institutions, continuously organizing awareness campaigns, various trainings and activities with children and young people, parents, teachers, social protection workers, State Police workers and other actors in the field, in order to achieve the main goal, to create a safe ecosystem for children and young people online.

AKCESK, emphasized the need for awareness and ways of protection against the increased and continuous threats that children and young people face online, as well as the continuous need for inter-institutional cooperation.


The National Authority on Cyber Security and Electronic Certification, represented by the General Director Mr. Igli Tafa, participates in the Tallinn Digital Summit.