Workshop: " Online Protection of Children in Albania"
On July 4, 2018, a workshop on ‘Online Protection of Children in Albania’ was organized by the National Authority for Electronic Certification and Cyber Security (AKCESK) in close cooperation with Unicef Albania and the Ministry of Health and Social Protection. .
This workshop is a continuation of the program “Delivering as One UN” between the Government of Albania and the United Nations (2017-2021) and the Joint Work Plan 2018-2019, where a concrete agreement was reached – “The Government of Albania and the main actors by civil society organizations of the “National Action Plan for a Safer Internet for Children in Albania”.
This activity was attended by all key stakeholders such as AKEP, the State Agency for the Protection of Children’s Rights, representatives from the private sector (ISPs) etc., who aimed at discussing governmental institutions and interest groups to propose concrete recommendations for the necessary legal measures to be taken to protect children against exposure and access to websites with illegal and harmful content on the Internet.
The workshop was held in the framework of the initiative #iamsafeonline, aimed at raising the awareness of the society against violence against children in all aspects, including the protection of children online.
Based on the improvement of the legal framework in 2017, with the adoption of the law “On the rights and protection of the child” it is required the cooperation of all stakeholders for their contribution in the drafting of sub-legal acts which aim to provide a full framework for the implementation of legal provisions and policies in the country.