Girls And Women In Cyber ​​Security: Workshop Organized by AKSK with the support of OSCE in Albania

The National Cyber ​​Security Authority, with the support of OSCE Presence in Albania, organized a workshop focusing on the inclusion and empowerment of women and girls in the field of cyber security. This event provided an important space for sharing experiences and challenges, while also creating opportunities for developing practical skills in this field. In […]

Albania welcomes the first official visit of the European Center for Excellence in Handling Hybrid Threats

Today, on October 22, 2024, the National Cyber Security Authority (NCSA) welcomed representatives of the European Center of Excellence against Hybrid Threats (Hybrid CoE) on their first official visit to Albania. This visit follows Albania’s membership in the Hybrid CoE on June 13, 2024, making our country the 36th member of this center. The membership […]

Two-day training on Cyber ​​Hygiene and Cyber ​​Security Best Practices for Korçë Municipality employees.

NCSA, in cooperation with USAID, organized a two-day training on Cyber ​​Hygiene and Cyber ​​Security Best Practices for employees of Korçë Municipality. This initiative aimed to equip 200 individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to protect themselves from cyber threats and ensure the security of their digital assets. By increasing cyber awareness, we are […]

School Security Officers Trained on Cyber ​​Hygiene

With the start of the new school year, the National Cyber Security Authority has started training on Cyber ​​Hygiene for School Security Officers, initially taking place in the cities of Tirana and Durrës. These training sessions aim to improve their skills to protect students from online threats and raise awareness of cyber hygiene and safe […]

NCSA participated in the Meeting of The Multinational Industrial Security Working Group (MISWG), organized for the first time in Albania.

NCSA participated in the Meeting of The Multinational Industrial Security Working Group (   ), organized for the first time in Albania. With the participation of 38 countries and 5 international organizations, including #NATO and the EU, this important event brought to attention the challenges and opportunities in the field of cyber and industrial security. The […]

Shadow AI, Data Exposure Plague Workplace Chatbot Use

Productivity has a downside: A shocking number of employees share sensitive or proprietary data with the generational AI platforms they use, without letting their bosses know. Generational AI chatbots are popping up in everything from email clients to HR tools these days, offering a friendly and smooth path toward better enterprise productivity. But there’s a […]