This is how the fantastic 3-day trip of the largest regional activity for young people in cyber security, Western Balkans Cyber Camp, ended! We are happy and grateful to every participant, who made this annual event everyone’s favorite!
The National Cyber Security Authority (AKSK) conducted training on May 24 with the students of Aleksandër Xhuvani University in Elbasan, focusing on the field of Cyber Security. Through this training, the aim was to raise the capacities of students and train them in the field of cyber security. The Authority’s experts divided the training into […]
On May 14, the National Cyber Security Authority (AKSK) held a training session with student interns from various universities near the premises of the One Albania company. Experts led this training from the Authority, where the following topics were discussed: Cyber Security The management of a cyber incident where it was explained what are the […]
On May 15, the National Cyber Security Authority (AKSK) held a training session with students from EPOKA University. Experts led this training from the Authority, where the following topics were discussed: Cyber Security The management of a cyber incident, where it was explained what are the steps that are taken during the management of […]
Have you ever had your personal information compromised online? Are you ready to learn more about protecting yourself and others from these dangers? We invite you to register for the online training on cyber hygiene by choosing the date 28 or 30 May in the following link:…/ The trainings will take place from 09:30 […]
For the first time, the Global Table on capacity building in the field of security of information technology and ICT communication is organized, in function of the Open Working Group on these issues. This round table is part of the UN’s effort to enable the presentation of challenges and models that enable the realization of […]
On May 13, in the city of Shkodra, the National Authority for Cyber Security (AKSK) in cooperation with the State Agency for the Rights and Protection of Children (ASHDMF) held the next awareness meeting on the Protection Children and Young People Online for safe use of the internet. Students, teachers, the principal, the child protection […]
On May 17, in the city of Përmet, the National Cyber Security Authority (AKSK), in collaboration with the State Agency for Children’s Rights and Protection (ASHDMF), held a Workshop on the Online Protection of Children and Young People in the Palace of Culture internet safely. The students of the “Sami Frashëri” high school, the teachers, […]
On May 9, in the city of Fier, the National Authority for Cyber Security (AKSK) in cooperation with the State Agency for the Rights and Protection of Children (ASHDMF) held the next awareness meeting on the Protection Children and Young People Online for safe use of the internet. Students, teachers, the principal and the school […]
The National Cyber Security Authority has the opportunity to thank experts Erand Elmazi, Gerald Bici, Ergis Gaxho, Enxhi Mete, Adriano Lleshi, Redon Hoxha, Bledar Kacadej, Kristian Josifi and Franc Zylyftari for a very successful Cyber Drill!