NAECCS holds a meeting with Financial Institutions

The cyber events in which Albania is going through recently, gathered at a discussion table on January 23, 2024, NAECCS and the senior leaders of the institutions of the financial sector. At the meeting, the National Coordinator for Cyber Security, Mr. Igli Tafa emphasized the importance of the role of investments in this sector of […]

Deputy Prime Minister speech at the annual conference regarding the progress achieved in the field of cyber security

In the press conference regarding the priorities in Infrastructure, Deputy Prime Minister Belinda Balluku in her speech emphasized the progress achieved in the field of cyber security, including the legislative reform and the establishment of the Security Operation Center. Also in fulfillment of the objectives to reach international standards in the field of cyber security, […]

The project “Trusted Flaggers for a safe Cyber Ecosystem Against Violent Extremism” is finalized

The project “Trusted flaggers for a safe cyber ecosystem against violent extremism” was successfully completed yesterday, organized by the Academy of Political Studies (ASP) in cooperation with the National Authority for Electronic Certification and Cyber Security (AKCESK) with the support of the Embassy of the United States of America in Tirana. About 20 participants benefited […]

AKCESK participates in Albania’s reporting on the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Children

AKCESK was part of Albania’s reporting on the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child during the proceedings of the 94th session of the Committee on the Rights of the Child, held in Geneva, on September 4-5 2023. In line with the commitments made by the Albanian state in terms […]

AKCESK participating in the training for response to Cyber ​​Incidents for Critical Information Infrastructures

In the framework of raising the technical capacities of Critical Infrastructures, the National Authority for Electronic Certification and Cyber ​​Security participated in the four-day training developed by USEA and Catalisto together with the assistance of USAID in Tirana. The focus of the program was the deepening of advanced knowledge in the management of cyber incidents […]