NCSA and ERE – cooperation agreement for the protection of energy infrastructure from cyber threats

The National Cyber ​​Security Authority (NCSA) and the Energy Regulatory Entity (ERE) have engaged in a cooperation agreement to improve cyber security in the energy sector. This partnership aims to create a robust and stable defense system, enabling the exchange of information in real time and the sharing of indicators of compromise to prevent attacks […]

Girls And Women In Cyber ​​Security: Workshop Organized by AKSK with the support of OSCE in Albania

The National Cyber ​​Security Authority, with the support of OSCE Presence in Albania, organized a workshop focusing on the inclusion and empowerment of women and girls in the field of cyber security. This event provided an important space for sharing experiences and challenges, while also creating opportunities for developing practical skills in this field. In […]

Albania welcomes the first official visit of the European Center for Excellence in Handling Hybrid Threats

Today, on October 22, 2024, the National Cyber Security Authority (NCSA) welcomed representatives of the European Center of Excellence against Hybrid Threats (Hybrid CoE) on their first official visit to Albania. This visit follows Albania’s membership in the Hybrid CoE on June 13, 2024, making our country the 36th member of this center. The membership […]

Online Webinar “Cyber ​​Risk Management”

The National Cyber ​​Security Authority will organize the next webinar with the Topic: “Cyber ​​Risk Management”. Education and awareness are key to protecting ourselves and our institutions from cyber threats. Join us for an informative webinar where we will discuss: Cyber ​​Risk Management Concepts in the Current Threat Landscape. International Risk Assessment Frameworks. The Cyber […]

National Cyber ​​Security Conference

On October 10, 2024, the National Cyber ​​Security Authority organizes the National Cyber ​​Security Conference. Ministers, diplomatic representatives, international partners, representatives from the private sector and cyber security experts participate in this event, who will discuss strengthening the cyber ecosystem in Albania. Within the cyber security month, the focus will be on cyber security challenges, […]

The Cyber ​​Security Agreement between Albania and Italy is signed

Tirana – An important step towards common digital protection was taken with the signing of the cooperation agreement between the General Director of the National Cyber ​​Security Authority (NCSA) of Albania, Mr. Igli Tafa, and his Italian counterpart, Mr. Bruno Frattasi, Director of the Italian Cyber ​​Security Agency. This strategic agreement aims to strengthen cooperation […]

The discussion table is organized on the inclusion of the Western Balkans in the policies and mechanisms of the European Union for Cyber Security

The National Cyber ​​Security Authority, in partnership with the Kosova Center for Security Studies – KCSS and the Open Society Foundation, organized a round table to discuss the inclusion of the Western Balkans in the policies and mechanisms of the European Union for cyber security. During this roundtable, representatives from national institutions, the diplomatic corps […]

Update your Windows PC to avoid data theft over Wi-Fi

Microsoft patched a serious vulnerability in Windows 10 and 11 that could put your computer at risk when connected to a public Wi-Fi network. The vulnerability (CVE-2024-30078) could allow hackers to install a malicious package on devices connected to the same Wi-Fi networks in places like airports, coffee shops, hotels, or even workplaces. From there, […]