AKSK, AADF and Protik Innovation Center Sign Cooperation Agreement

The National Authority for Cybersecurity has signed a cooperation agreement with the Albanian-American Development Foundation (AADF) and Protik Innovation Center. This agreement aims to increase professional capacities in the field of cybersecurity, by offering: Dedicated training programs for young experts and professionals in the field. Work experience through the MIP program, which connects theoretical knowledge […]

“Hermann Gmeiner” School Students Participating in Cyber ​​Drill for Cyber ​​Security, Training Organized by NCSA

The students of the Vocational High School “Hermann Gmeiner” had the opportunity to participate in a Cyber ​​Drill organized by the experts of the National Cyber ​​Security Authority. This training aimed to provide students with a practical and concrete experience on the challenges posed by cyber security in the digital world. Through simulated scenarios, they […]

Representatives of NCSA Participating in the “Cybersecurity Audits, Assessments Tools and Strategies” Training Organized by SEI and the US Department of State

Representatives from NCSA Directorate of Compliance Analysis, Risk and Control of Cyber ​​Security Measures are participating in the training “Cybersecurity Audits, Assessments Tools and Strategies,” organized by the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) of Carnegie Mellon University in collaboration with US Department of State. This training aims to expand and deepen participants’ knowledge in conducting cyber […]

NCSA Organizes Cyber ​​Hygiene Training for Primary School Teachers

The National Authority for Cyber ​​Security continues its commitment to improving online security by holding awareness meetings, this time with primary school teachers. These sessions are extremely useful for teachers, not only for increasing their awareness of Cyber ​​Hygiene, but also for their work with students, equipping them with best practices to protect and educate […]

NCSA conducts Cyber Drill training in Elbasan

A Cyber Drill training took place in the district of Elbasan, where experts from public institutions tested their skills to face advanced challenges in the field of cyber security. This activity was organized in a Capture the Flag (CTF) format, pitting participants against simulated cyber-attack scenarios.

AKSK Meeting with the Actors who will be included in the new cyber security strategy plan.

In the framework of the establishment of the new cyber security strategy 2025-2030, the National Authority for Cyber ​​Security invited all actors who will be included in the action plan for strengthening the cyber security strategy. The goal is to improve the entire cyber ecosystem, bringing a new approach to the protection of critical infrastructures, […]

Albania climbs 23 places in the Global Cyber ​​Security Index 2024, according to ITU

Albania climbs 23 places in the Global Cyber ​​Security Index 2024, according to ITU In the latest report published by the ITU, Albania has made remarkable progress, moving up 23 places in the global cyber security ranking, compared to the previous report. Currently, our country based on performance scores is ranked 57th globally, up from […]